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Add Ideas automation so that it allows to change Ideas status once Ideas is promoted

What is the challenge? Once Ideas is promoted or it's promoted Epic/Feature status is changed then Product team has to change the Ideas status manually to a specific value What is the impact? Manual intervention Describe your idea Adding an automa...
Ankush Kumar 9 months ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Make all standard fields available for automation

Automation Rules are incredibly powerful but are limited to a very small subset of standard fields per item (ideas, epics, features, initiatives, etc.). We're constantly finding ourselves wish that a standard field would exist so that we can creat...
Conner Helton over 1 year ago in Epic 1 Future consideration

Technology radars

Hi, We would like to be able to produce technology radars for Features. Something like one of these:
Guest almost 9 years ago in Reports 8 Unlikely to implement

Hide Dates on Externally Shared Custom Roadmaps

We are sharing roadmaps externally and only want to display quarters of when work will be completed while still maintaining the roadmap view. We need a way to ensure when hovering over an initiative bar that internal dates do NOT show. This is cri...
Blake Falanga almost 2 years ago in Presentations 1 Future consideration

Make date & number formatting customizable

I live in Germany, like to use my apps in US English, want the ISO 8601 date formatting (2017-05-31) and want a space as the thousands separator. It really sucks that there is only a "locale" setting which assumes I want to use a certain formattin...
Guest over 7 years ago in Account settings 5 Future consideration

Infinite scroll instead of pagination in the ideas portal

Having to page through different ideas can be annoying if there's a long list. Would be nice for visitors to be able to just scroll down and have more appear. This is how Uservoice does it and it's a great experience.
Sergie Magdalin about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Standardize active user calculation

Aha! shows how many users are active in an account in two places: On the Billing page and in the CSV download of users on the Users page. For the Billing page, the number is calculated using the last login time, but for the CSV the report shows th...
Emily Yankush over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Lock poll during empathy session

During an empathy session I want to lock a poll so we can move onto another question, poll or topic with the results fixed. This similar functionality to Slido.
Daniel Lynch over 1 year ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Do not Auto Populate Release Phase Dates

Dates of release phases and milestones are auto populated whenever release phase templates are applied to releases. This is not a expected behavior, as most of the time dates are not confirmed yet when a release is created. This is confusing given...
Hank Liu over 1 year ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Use days as the Y axis value in charts

As we estimate Features in days, and these that roll up to Epics, I want to view charts and graphs in days rather than have the system multiply them by 8 automatically to show them in hours.
Steve Treagust about 3 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration