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Enable milestone key dates in epic & enable to be used in custom roadmap

Our team uses releases by a timeframe, not by an individual product release. Thus our release is made up of multiple epics that need a milestone per epic. Please enable a milestone option at the epic level in both the epic & custom roadmaps to...
Steven Schafer over 1 year ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Create Capability to Search and Sort "Internal Name" on Custom Field page

Aha Admin team is looking for a way to not hack the system by tracking custom fields used in AHA to Jira Integrations. Currently, the Admin team is adding a J* to the custom field name for each custom field with a Jira in the Name, API Key, Descri...
Bob Fisher almost 3 years ago in Search 2 Future consideration

Allow default setting of Ideas created in the main Aha screens to be configured as the default is Not Visible in the Ideas Portal

By default Ideas created within the main Aha screens are set to “Not visible in portal”. I would like to be able to change the default setting ideally at the product line level for inheritance and per product to override the inherited settings
Dave Tucker over 7 years ago in Ideas 5 Unlikely to implement

Allow breakdown by Team for Detailed Estimates

The Initial Estimate Field of Epics and Features allows breaking down the effort values by Team. However, the Detailed Estimate Field does not allow effort to be broken down by team. You can only enter a value, but you cannot assign it to a specif...
Valentina Morales over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 4 Future consideration

Kanban Board - Work-in-Progress (WIP) limit for status columns

Reference: Work-in-progress (WIP) is a key design principle for Kanban. The ability to limit the number of items for each status column is part of the Kanban workflow. The limits per column should be use...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 6 Unlikely to implement

Set chart X and Y axis scale independently

When creating a chart you can set the scale, but this applies to both the X and Y axis. Setting this independently would support a fairly common user case.
Nathaniel Collum over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

When searching for ideas to link, allow id numbers

Who would benefit? idea managers What impact would it make? idk? How should it work? in idea, select link to idea menu option in search field, start putting in idea number (ie. 252 of "PROD-I-252") idea "PROD-I-252" comes up as an option
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Self Registration Capability for User Acess

We are a large organization with many users. We would like to share Aha! with interested individuals and that number could be hundreds or thousands. In order to alleviate that, the recommendation is to allow a self registration process that would ...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Account settings 8 Unlikely to implement

Add prioritization view history or audit trail

Our organization has multiple prioritization views saved for our ideas and multiple people make changes to these views over time. We would like to view the history or an audit trail of these changes to the prioritization view (e.g. when someone ch...
Jon Ragsdale about 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Time tracking tool

Hi there! love Aha! its an awesome tool, however we are having problems with timetracking, would it be possible to have something like Tempo in Jira? thanks and hope this makes it through!
Guest about 3 years ago in Capacity planning 3 Future consideration