What is the challenge? On the library overview page there used to be a "created by me" shortcut on the lefthand side, it is no longer there. What is the impact? It takes longer to find items created by me when there are so many reports, etc. and u...
5 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
When uploading a CSV into Aha!, it only allows you to select: Features, Goals, Ideas, Initiatives, Products, Releases, or Users. It doesn't allow you to create/import data for Competitors or Strategy Models which is critial for us migrating Vendor...
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Make "release quarter" field filterable in reports
We create pivot reports to show our quarterly roadmap of features. Each row is an initiative. Each column is the "release quarter" field. Features are listed in the cells. This works great.
Now, imagine there are 4 quarters in the past, but you on...
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Submit-only portal users to receive notifications for status changes
Currently submit-only portal allows only notifications to comments. We are unable to notify users or subscribers on status changes automatically. We need to manually enter comments regarding the status to inform them. It would be helpful to have '...
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Make timeline bars for releases on the built-in Portfolio Roadmap use the Release Start Date field
Currently the built-in Portfolio Roadmap uses the Release End Date field to plot the timeline bars but the beginning of the bar is based on the a date inherited from the earliest date of any child Features in the Release. This leads to a messy, co...
Paul Edge
over 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Strategic Roadmaps Custom appearance for Epics and Features
As a stakeholder I want visual clues to differentiate between epics and features. Since nested views are not available in Strategic roadmaps, it would be great to change appearance of epics to help stakeholders who are not as familiar with the vie...
Victor Lavrentyev
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Ability to show idea data based on parent category.
We need ability to show idea data based on high-level category. (ref attached picture) Every week I provide exec summaries to our product leadership who are only interested in data around the product at a high-level view. To accomplish this, I hav...
Laura Giles
almost 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
In the Menu: Account Settings > Customizations > Statuses and workflows, show a list without having to scroll down many times to find the workflow names
What is the challenge? In the Menu: Account Settings > Customizations > Statuses and workflows, What can I do to show a list without having to scroll down many times to find the workflow names (See screenshot below). What is the impact? I ne...
Mike Jacobson
5 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
What is the challenge? As a portfolio practice administrator, I want reporting to be consistent across my enterprise. However, my portfolio managers are highly distributed and loosely organized. Aha reporting tools create powerful automation oppor...
James Compton
5 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration