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Strategic Roadmaps Custom appearance for Epics and Features

As a stakeholder I want visual clues to differentiate between epics and features.

Since nested views are not available in Strategic roadmaps, it would be great to change appearance of epics to help stakeholders who are not as familiar with the view easily identify epics. This can be achieved by a configuration of the view so that epics can have a customizable color and pattern fill.

In addition, if the product manager decides it's a good idea to create a nested view, she can manually nest various epics and features as she sees fit.

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    • Victor Lavrentyev
      Mar 2, 2021

      Hi Austin,

      Not so much. I'd tried it in the past and found that I couldn't find the customization of the colors for epics and features. The colors are not far away from each other and for a slightly color-blind user as I am, I cannot see the difference. In the screenshot you can see an example where longer bars represent our epics and shorter are the features.

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Mar 2, 2021

      Hi there, it is currently possible to color the bars on the strategic roadmap by type. This will assign a different color to initiatives, epics, and features. Does this help with what you are looking to do? Thanks!