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Add Support for Workspace Rules in Automations

Who would benefit? All users What impact would it make? We currently have custom fields at the workspace level and would like to be able to create automations based on when those fields are changed. For example: We have a custom user field "Progra...
David Willequer over 1 year ago in Application 1 Future consideration

make item history filterable

as a user, I want to be able to view item history... when item history is long and cluttered, it would be helpful to see just a subset of events in the history log... when I am trying to find a particular event. e.g. Filter to exclude API/inte...
Guest over 6 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Roll back plan of instance

Hi, I would love to have a rollback plan for our Aha instance. Right now, most of our admins are learning the tool and one day may make a change that would impact a lot product lines. I would need a way to roll back to a previous saved version or ...
Guest about 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Reference field for different capacity planning scenarios

We want to use estimates from capacity planning to feed into one of our initiative record worksheets in order to get an idea of cost (estimated hours x blended rate). This works in concept using the "original_estimate" reference field; however, we...
Anh Truong over 4 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Missed required fields in Ideas should be more obvious

Folks are constantly thinking that they submitted ideas, but in actuality they missed a required field but didn't identify it before closing the window. Instead of the small red "This field is required," we'd recommend either not letting the user ...
Kristina Ursin over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Add sub-releases for more than 10 linked products when creating a Master Release

When adding a master release for a large product hierarchy, the 10 item limit is an impediment, and the UI for adding releases 1 at a time afterwards is klunky
Guest about 8 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Use an automation to set a custom field value to 'blank

I use automations to set the date for a next response on ideas. Once the idea is in plan, I'd like to set that next response to clear
Gilly Dekel about 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Add an option to restrict showing "all categories" with the Ideas Newsletter

What is the challenge? Customer have the option to only select the Ideas Categories they are interested. What is the impact? When the newsletter includes all categories, the value of the newsletter diminishes, reducing the user seeing the newslett...
Shelley Millis-Wight 8 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Be explicit with what is being deleted

What is the challenge? When you select a table/field for deletion, the prompt asked are you sure but there is no indication that you definitely chose the right thing - no highlight, etc. What is the impact? Having to double check by cancelling and...
Sarah H 8 months ago in Comments / Notifications 3 Future consideration

Custom fields for framework steps

What is the challenge? Ability to capture structured data of our choosing on steps. For example, frameworks represent parts of or a whole system. Systems have inputs and outputs. It would be great to be able to capture inputs and outputs for a ste...
Steve Dagless 8 months ago in Application 1 Future consideration