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RSS Feed/Google Alert for Competitors

The competitors tab is great for tracking information I input about competitors. One of the default sections for competitors is the 'Recent News'. It would be very helpful if instead of me having to keep up 'recent news,' I could just input the rs...
Rob Bedeaux about 9 years ago in Strategy 5 Future consideration

Aha! Develop: Split an individual's work schedule between 2 teams for capacity planning

My goal is to split a person's time between 2 teams (50/50). I'd like to have a schedule per team, so that I can indicate the days (or % of their time) they'll work on each team. Currently there is one schedule per individual, which is shared by a...
Dale Potter over 2 years ago in Capacity planning / Development 0 Future consideration

Restrict broadcast messages to specific Product Line(s)

In our large organization, we have three top-level Product Lines to represent each corporate division. Some broadcast messages are useful for the entire organization, but others would be more meaningful if they were visible to users of a specific ...
Gary Spencer over 9 years ago in Comments / Notifications 7 Future consideration

The new search functionality returns too many results when searching for multiple keywords

Who would benefit? All users with a large number of ideas including others in my organization who have struggled with this. What impact would it make? After using aha for 6 years this is the single most harmful change to my personal productivity w...
Claire A 12 months ago in Search 1 Future consideration

Make mockup able to link to more than one feature/release/requirement

I made a mockup today under the naive impression I could easily link other requirements or features to it. Giving the users the ability to link other requirements or features to the same mock up would be nice when you have several screen states or...
Guest about 7 years ago in Mockups 4 Will not implement

Display shared webpage security settings in share as webpage window

What is the challenge? Currently only Account admins can see who will have access to a shared webpage by viewing the account settings. The choices are "Allow anyone to access" or "Allow only Aha! or single sign-on users to access" What is the impa...
Chris Quigley 8 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Support attachment fields in shared webpage drill in

What is the challenge? We often add attachments to our Aha! records to add supporting data for our plans. We want to be able to show these attachments in shared webpages. What is the impact? Our roadmap viewers will have all the context they need....
Chrissi McNamara 8 months ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

Template for a product brief and a PRD

What is the challenge? having to use the whteboard to create from scratch a template for a product biref What is the impact? a roduct person in a mangerial prositions produces a lot of prodct artifacts per month, including Product Briefs andPRDs D...
Guest 8 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Capacity Line in Reports

I'd like the ability to represent a capacity line in a report (likely a pivot report). While we are planning for releases we don't always know what will fit, but this would give us a way to visualize what we think falls below the line. One potenti...
Guest about 7 years ago in Reports 4 Unlikely to implement

Add "Workflow approval groups" in workspace settings to reporting

Who would benefit? people like myself that administer Aha! to my organization What impact would it make? easier to check the ingrity of these reviewers to ensure our most critical workflows are being managed properly How should it work? like other...
Kim Heuer 12 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration