Add the "Copy note" option to the context menu options.
In the notes section. I think it would be more efficient to be able to copy notes by right clicking and selecting the option, than having to open the note and navigate to the 3 points (not as visible and/or known).
Victor Herrera
over 2 years ago
in Notes
We'd like to have reviewers have the ability to collaborate on notes. As sales, client services, marketing, and product join and conduct discovery calls with customers, we'd like to standardize the notes from the meeting in one location. We'd love...
Master detail custom table records are related to specific parent records. Many times customers will have a long list of records they need to add and it would quicker to add those via CSV import. When doing the import, they would also need the abi...
Matt Case
over 7 years ago
in Application
When Editing configure options for field lists bring me back to same page and place
Currently for Predefined Choice list fields, when clicking on Manage Choices and have a long list of options that go to more than one page, after editing an item on the second page and saving, it brings you back to the top of first page but I need...
1. Similar to product / product hierarchy, it would be great to be able to define the initiative hierarchy in 1 view. In our case, we have defined initiatives at product line- / product-levels. It'd be great to be able to view / edit the whole str...
Saved reports generated from Ideas > List and Features > List should be available when accessing saved reports from Roadmap > Analytics. Generally, it's non-intuitive that Roadmaps > Analytics is not the master repository of all saved ...
Jeff Shaffer
over 2 years ago
in Reports
I want to be able to change the order polls appear in on my ideas portal. They are currently ordered by created date and I want to be able to reorder them manually.
Would be really nice to be able to add a custom favicon to our ideas portal, so that it matches our other sites and branding. We have done this ourselves with our customer apps, and it was fairly straight forward and very well received by our cust...
Richard Harrison
about 10 years ago
in Branding