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Ability to switch between fiscal & calendar year in roadmaps

We operate on a fiscal year internally so roadmaps and reports that are used for internal audiences are great with the default configuration to setup fiscal year timelines. However, the problem comes in when we want to share external facing roadma...
Deirdre Clarke over 1 year ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Save configurations in Custom Roadmap

If you create several Custom Roadmaps but all should have the same Style like in the colors of your company, it would be helpfull to have the option to save the configuration and create a own "theme" which you can select on every new roadmap.
Guest over 1 year ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

Need the ability to list features on multiple product release targets

We have a number of products that depend on features from other products. We desperately need to be able to visualize the dependency inline on my product gantt view. It could be partially transparent to show the difference between a "local" fe...
George Champlin-Scharff almost 7 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement

Allow customization of field name per-workspace

What is the challenge? Reusing custom fields across workspaces is helpful for governance and consistent reporting. But sometimes teams would like to call that field something else on their layouts. What is the impact? Teams have to modify their fi...
Reilly O'Connor 10 months ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Ability to format how text appears in relation to an image in Notes

What is the challenge? When adding an image into a Note that's meant for a Knowledge Base, there is no flexibility to control how the text wraps around an image. What is the impact? This limits how we are able to create notes with images that shou...
Jeff Bye 7 months ago in Knowledge base 2 Future consideration

Workspace Type Field for Reporting and Ability to Convert Workspace Types

We are currently using only Product workspace types at my company. In updating our configurations, I noticed that our Product Owners have created IT and Project workspace types which is outside of the standard we have set. I attempted to create a ...
Cindy Datlof almost 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Receive comment mention notifications immediately but all other notifications in batch

Notification preferences are currently fairly course-grained. I do not need to receive up-to-the-minute notifications about status changes, description field changes, etc. but I would like to receive instant notifications when I am mentioned (e.g....
Alia Connor almost 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration

Add tags to Initiatives

Would like to be able to add Tags to Initiatives (in addition to the existing capability of adding tags to Features, Master Features etc.) We use tags to track Change Control and need to be able to do this at the Initiative level as well.
Julie Edwards about 6 years ago in Strategy 5 Unlikely to implement

Leaders get rearranged in Whiteboards

What is the challenge? When you create a workflow in Whiteboards and use the leaders, the leaders often get completely screwed up later on. I'm using primarily the right angle leaders. When they get screwed up, all of the leaders collapse to the a...
Guest 3 months ago in Whiteboards 1 Already exists

Allow automations to update records created by the same automation

What is the challenge? Automations can be used to create new to-do, approvals, work-requests, and even requirements on features. It would be helpful to be able to populate certain fields on the newly created records at the same time that they are ...
Chris Quigley 3 months ago in Application 0 Future consideration