Use a Single Meta/Data Worksheet to Generate Multiple Report Types and Add Directly to Panels Without Pre-Saving
What is the challenge? The current process of creating and managing multiple reports can lead to overcrowded workflows and inefficiencies when building a unified dashboard. Users face difficulties in seamlessly generating multiple reports and orga...
Basak B Klumph
3 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Increase Dashboard Panel Limit: Add Extra Panels for Titles and Separators Beyond the 10-Panel Cap
What is the challenge? Limits the report visiualization What is the impact? More dashbiard creation need and resource confusion Describe your idea Please allow the addition of extra panels specifically for titles and separators, without being cons...
Basak B Klumph
3 months ago
in Reports
Already exists
BUG: Release statuses are not sticking in roadmap view
What is the challenge? I update the status of a release in the roadmap view and within a minute or so it reverts to showing as "under consideration" which appears to be the default view. What is the impact? Not accurately reflecting the state of a...
Include integration mapping details in integration reporting
We want to automate the documentation of all of our integration points (integration to Jira). We would like to see not only the integration name, rather we would like to see the specifics field mapping information , direction of integration etc...
Return votes to users when an idea is marked as "already exists" or "will not implement"
Currently if you mark an idea as shipped it returns votes automatically to idea portal users because this is now in the system. I feel if a user puts an idea in and it is something that already exists and they just didn't realize it, when I mark i...
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Have workflow status change dates refelect the most recent date a status was set
The value of “Status changed to <status X>” for a feature workflow appears to perpetually contain the date of the first time that the status was changes to <status X> rather than the date of the most recent transition to <status X&g...
David Kettinger
over 8 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to switch between fiscal & calendar year in roadmaps
We operate on a fiscal year internally so roadmaps and reports that are used for internal audiences are great with the default configuration to setup fiscal year timelines. However, the problem comes in when we want to share external facing roadma...
Deirdre Clarke
over 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
If you create several Custom Roadmaps but all should have the same Style like in the colors of your company, it would be helpfull to have the option to save the configuration and create a own "theme" which you can select on every new roadmap.
over 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Add an option to restrict showing "all categories" with the Ideas Newsletter
What is the challenge? Customer have the option to only select the Ideas Categories they are interested. What is the impact? When the newsletter includes all categories, the value of the newsletter diminishes, reducing the user seeing the newslett...
Shelley Millis-Wight
6 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration