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Upload banner image to customize Ideas Portal branding

What is the challenge? It's difficult to implement a basic customization, such as a banner or hero image, to the Ideas Portal without using custom CSS. Additionally, any 'img url' in custom CSS must point to an image that is hosted on a public-fac...
Guest 6 months ago in Branding 0 Future consideration

Ability to Configure Epic View as Default for all workspace views (Board / Prioritization)

Who would benefit? Enterprises who maintain Epic only or use Epic as primary record type. What impact would it make? Reduce confusion. The teams are currently directed to feature view on the board and prioritization view by default. Per Aha concie...
Hank Liu about 1 year ago in Epics 0 Future consideration

Streamline the way that we create a text-link to a different page in a Knowledge Base

What is the challenge? Creating a link from one topic to another takes too much time. Currently, you need to: 1) Go to the destination topic and copy its URL, 2) Return to the topic in which you want to create the link, 3) Select the text to be li...
David Yelenchic 8 months ago in Knowledge bases 0 Future consideration

The knowledge base needs a search and replace function.

What is the challenge? When editing other people's writing, many mistakes are repeated (e.g., two spaces after a period; "&" instead of "and"). What is the impact? Have to manually fix each one. This approach is tedious and slow. Describe your...
Mark T 8 months ago in Knowledge bases 1 Future consideration

Clear Multiple or All Ranked Records on Prioritization Report

Clear Multiple Ranked Records on Prioritization Report Requirement: Multiselect ranked records to remove from ranked area. Use Case: Multiple ranked records are shipped or moved to other workspaces or parking lot, and therefore should be removed f...
Hank Liu almost 2 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Add the option to "select all" in filters

What is the challenge? When using filters, there isn't an option to "select all" and unselect the one you don't want. What is the impact? Time consuming when there are many options you must choose instead of a simple choose all and deselect possib...
Sherry Dockery 7 months ago in Reports / Search 2 Future consideration

Copy object name with URL link (rich text format)

What is the challenge? When referencing object in chat with team-mates, I have to copy the URL link and then modify to include object name (feature name, release name, etc.). What is the impact? If I don't do that, my team-mates must open the link...
Lukas Slavicek 10 months ago in Application 5 Future consideration

Introduction of further customization user permissions

It would be wonderful if Aha! had the option to customize user permissions when it comes to adding or editing ideas, adding or editing features, etc. For example, one user could have permission to only work with requirements while not having the o...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 6 Future consideration

Using predefined tags fields in a report calculated field

The ability to use a predefined tag field in a calculated column. For example, if null or if it contains X. You can currently do that via filters however, then your report would exclude records.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Reports 6 Future consideration

Make admin access multi-level by organization/product line

We have multiple organizations/Business Units/Groups with their own product line in the hierarchy. We would like to be able to make them admin of just that area so that they can make the customizations they need without negatively impacting produc...
Marina Reyna almost 7 years ago in Account settings 7 Future consideration