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My votes: Application

Showing 46

Ability to hide/disable recurring field on to-do's

For teams that do not use recurring to-do's in their workflows and do not want this option displayed, include a setting that allows this field to be hidden or disabled.
Brittany Rhoney 9 months ago in To-dos 0 Likely to implement

New ideas/features lists do not remember my customizations

When I go back to the ideas list I expect that it will remember the changes I made to the columns and filters. I believe it used to, but the new version of them does not.
Kelly Sebes 9 months ago in Features / Ideas / Reports 0 Likely to implement

Allow me to change visibility of comments from internal to portal or vice versa

I can't tell you how many times I have found a portal comment that needs to be internal. I have to open the comment, copy the text, create a new internal comment, paste the text, save it, then go back to the original comment and delete.
Guest almost 9 years ago in Ideas 7 Likely to implement

Search: include filters

Use case: I want to easily find records that were created or updated by others on a certain day Idea: Add filters to search for users and date
Julie Price 11 months ago in Search 1 Likely to implement

When updating our Aha! account domain we need embedded links to records in Aha! that reference our old domain to continue to work

We are considering updating our Aha! account domain and would like for links embedded in our Aha! records that reference our old domain to continue to work to provide continuity for our team. Manually updating these links is very time consuming.
Erin Ward 12 months ago in Account settings 2 Likely to implement

Add API support for adding and removing Custom Roles

Under partial API support was added to custom user roles. However this is report only whne the user object is returned. Without the ability to set and unset these custom roles on a user via an API, I'd asser...
Nigel Lawrence about 2 years ago in API 0 Likely to implement

if you move a competitor to a workspace that has no competitors. it looks screwy

After I moved some competitors to a workspace that had no competitors, i went to view them and they looked entirely empty, with only a name, description and threat score or something. I thought maybe my data had been lost, so i added a new competi...
Guest about 2 years ago in Strategy 4 Likely to implement

Granular Legend configuration for Charts

Hello AHA Team, i´m working with the new Chart Format. As there are less configuration options available any more, this chart drives me cracy. Please, give me back more granual configuration options. My chart shows a lot of different Categories as...
Guest about 3 years ago in Reports 0 Likely to implement

Enhance Slack Aha! integration with AI to support 1-click 'Send to Aha! as a feature/idea'

Every day, often many times each day, there is some conversation in Slack that results in the need to turn that conversation into a feature. This is a tedious, boring task, the saps me of my PM mojo 😞 I want my mojo back 🚀 ChatGPT and other AI lan...
Todd Meyer 8 months ago in Application / Features / Ideas / Slack 0 Likely to implement

Empathy sessions: option to customize the "Title" in emails

Today, I can edit the "Subject" and "Introduction" of emails that are sent to contacts for an empathy session, which is useful for tailoring the message. It is not currently possible to edit the "Title", which can lead to a confusing message for m...
Dale Potter almost 3 years ago in Empathy sessions 1 Likely to implement