I can't find a way in Aha search to search for a phrase. E.g. I want to search for the phrase "special feature" but using quotes doesn't work. Is there a way I can do this? Can search match on an exact phrase rather than individual words?
almost 8 years ago
in Search
Future consideration
Using a real example: We have a single idea in our system with the word "Tagging" in its title. Entering the word "Tagging" into the search bar results in a large array of results where the partial match "tag" features somewhere in the item (e.g. ...
Sam Banks
over 4 years ago
in Search
Future consideration
If I search for the word “paste” using the magnifying glass search I get loads of hits for the word “past”. This is really annoying. Please can there be an option for searching for an exact match for text.
about 6 years ago
in Search
Future consideration
Ensure search results are unique, with no dupicates
Currently when I search for a key word the same record is shown multiple times in the search results (as explained here, the results are triggered by the search term being found in different parts of the same record).
This makes the search results...
Alex Horan
over 7 years ago
in Search
Already exists
Create Capability to Search and Sort "Internal Name" on Custom Field page
Aha Admin team is looking for a way to not hack the system by tracking custom fields used in AHA to Jira Integrations. Currently, the Admin team is adding a J* to the custom field name for each custom field with a Jira in the Name, API Key, Descri...
Bob Fisher
almost 3 years ago
in Search
Future consideration
Provide the ability to set search results to display items as a distinct list (1 result per unique feature, idea, etc.)
Currently, the search results may list multiple instances of the same item (i.e. feature) on the search details page. This occurs when searching for text and that text is included in multiple fields on the item.
As an example, "allergies" is enter...
Camie T
over 7 years ago
in Search
Unlikely to implement
Improve filters for ease-of-use and increased user productivity
We use filters a lot, but they are super clunky, requiring multiple clicks to change the filter, and with some Internet latency b/w the clicks the UX suffers even more. This slows us (me) down.
Combining of the filter field selection with ...
Stefan Tzanev
over 7 years ago
in Reports / Search
Already exists
Would ease the use of the search function if it allows to insert the link (if in clipboard anyhow as this is often the case). Cumbersom to retype the prefix-featureNr-storyNr string...
Kaspar Hitzelberger
over 1 year ago
in Search
Future consideration
I would like to modify the AHA search results screen to display 2 more columns of data, ‘Type’ and ‘Platform’.
Hi, I would like to modify the AHA search results screen to display 2 more columns of data, ‘Type’ and ‘Platform’. This would save us a ton of time, because now we have to open each search result record to try to find the type and platform we are ...
almost 7 years ago
in Search
Unlikely to implement
Feature Description Search – Search for certain text within the feature description field. Currently, Feature Name has this feature but not Feature Description. Today the filter for Feature Description only gives you Empty, Not Empty, and Both. Id...
Victoria Morrella
over 4 years ago
in Search
Future consideration