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Rank Initiatives

What is the challenge? Products often have more than 1 initiative to support goals. What is the impact? Teams don't receive clear consistent direction on prioritized initiatives Describe your idea Add the ability to Rank initiatives such that the ...
Penny Gerstner 8 months ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Section that describes a market or market environment

What is the challenge? Documentation general market information is missing. What is the impact? Missing a dedicated place under Strategy --> Market, leads to the fact that this type of information will be somehow captured in separate documents ...
Steffen S 9 months ago in Strategy 3 Already exists

Need template to plan/define/capture Metrics for my product

What is the challenge? no template to work on metrics How would you solve it? new template What impact would it make? defining metrics ahead of the product lifecycle helps us monitor our progress
Guest 11 months ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Product backlog template

Who would benefit? Product managers What impact would it make? Gives place to store running list of products ideas/features prior to refinement. How should it work? It should have tabs to categorize new inputs (team members can add their own or se...
Guest about 1 year ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Separate Active vs Completed Initiatives

Who would benefit? Product Line OR Portfolio Product Managers What impact would it make? It would make it easier to organize portfolios of Initiatives. How should it work? Once an Initiative has been completed / achieved, I should be able it shoul...
Frank S over 1 year ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Roadmap Report - need an ability to manipulate to add logo, disclaimer and copyright and then post to portal or export

Who would benefit? Internal and External Stakeholders What impact would it make? I spend many hours reconfiguring feature names and views to build a roadmap outside of Aha! for sales, prospects and ELT. How should it work? Today, I have to create ...
Maryanne Miller over 1 year ago in Strategy 2 Already exists

Ability to link strategic models, specifically opportunity canvas to epic or features.

I like the opportunity canvas format. It stores a lot of detail and serves as a jumping off point to an epic and/ or feature. If they are linked, I can easily see everything I have related to the canvas and reference quickly when my team is review...
Guest over 1 year ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Goal - Input latest related initiative date

Within a goal, I have create a custom date field. I would like for there to be automation to input the latest initiative end date into the custom date goal field.
Blake Falanga almost 2 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Strategic Initiative workflow view does not save settings

I’ve added customized settings for the initiative cards in the new strategic initiative workflow view. The settings keep returning to the default. The settings should be saved as part of my profile and I shouldn't have to keep entering them.
Guest over 2 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Under "Company" in the "Overview tab"

Be able to edit the information on the company view by bringing in custom fields to enrich the information on what the company info is and projects.
Richard Cabral over 2 years ago in Strategy 3 Already exists