When publishing a competitor chart to Presentation text is not aligned
What is the challenge? When publishing a strategic competitors Chart to our Presentation the chart text is misaligned What is the impact? The High and Low text is grouped together and not aligned as expected. Describe your idea The presentation sh...
Automatically update strategy record time frame based on date range
What is the challenge? Time frames require manual entry and aren't impacted by the date ranges selected What is the impact? Save time and ensure accuracy of time frame fields for strategic records (goals and initiatives) Describe your idea Automat...
Terence Osmeña
11 days ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Use AI to reference my personas and let me know what their opinions are on the features I am working on
What is the challenge? Creating personas is a really great way to help me think about my customers and their needs. Over time however it's hard to keep all that information in my head as I am writing new features or prioritising them. We also do a...
Make it easier to identify the correct Goals and Initiatives when setting in downstream records
Who would benefit? Organizations that need to ensure that a large group of users link records together in a consistent way for roll up reporting. What impact would it make? Improved data quality by providing a narrow selection of possible goals an...
Dale Potter
about 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Allow removing "Success metric" from View layout on Goals when OKRs are enabled
When OKRs are enabled in a workspace, it is possible to fully remove the "Success metric" field from the Create version of a Goals layout. On the View layout, that field can be hidden, but cannot be removed entirely. This should be possible so the...
Maria Plotkina
about 1 month ago
in Strategy
Planning to implement
Block adding children to closed or cancelled objects.
What is the challenge? Users are able to associate new features/epics to closed or cancelled initiatives What is the impact? Reporting on end dates for the parent is not reliable Describe your idea Force users to reopen parent OR select an alterna...
Melissa Miller
about 2 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When OKRs are enabled, there are 3 fields to track: Target metric Starting metric Current metric However, there is no ability to track changes to these values over time. The need is highest for the "Current metric" field. Wh...
Emily Yankush
about 2 months ago
in Strategy
Planning to implement
Many intiatives may benefit from some common functionality. If you could add a feature to multiple initiatives it would allow you to better track the impact of the feature across the entire business.
almost 10 years ago
in Strategy
Will not implement
Display the timeframe of an initiative in a record lookup field to discern between initiatives that have the same name but different timeframes
What is the challenge? Initiatives can have the same name but different timeframes What is the impact? In a idea, when you select an initiative using a initiative lookup field, the lookup list to select from shows the same name twice when there ar...
Mike Jacobson
3 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Consolidate Product Key Results to a Portfolio Goal
What is the challenge? As a senior executive of many portfolios, I need an automated way to compile all related key results so that I can easily see how products are progressing toward my overarching goal. For example: Persona: I'm a Portfolio Man...
Mike Jacobson
3 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration