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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-3555 Calculation Custom Field Type.

Ability to reuse API Keys as part of an equation to derive a new value - Planning Poker

The ability to create a "result" field that derives its value (as part of an equation) from other fields within the same layout?

For example, Planning Poker

Two input fields for Effort and Value with the following API Keys

Third field called Result uses the Layout Effort and Value using the following equation,



planning_poker_result = ROUND((planning_poker_effort - planning_poker_value)*-0.3 + (planning_poker_effort/ planning_poker_value) * 0.7,0) 


API Keys






Where planning_poker_result is the API key for the "result" field shown in the features layout.

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