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Reference capacity planning fields in calculated column equations

Currently the capacity planning fields are not available to use in the Custom Equation builder. It would be great if we could use the fields to perform calculations in list/pivot reports.

An example use case is to calculate the risk of completion of a feature, based on the remaining effort vs the number of days until the due date.

    Oct 14, 2024

    In November 2022, we added support for detailed estimates. We recently expanded this to initial estimates as well.

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    • Jor Bratko
      Dec 6, 2023

      additional use case: changing the units in reports. Release capacity in reports is hours. I'd like to present it in days.

    • Guest
      May 25, 2023

      In addition to what was captured in the Idea - being able to create calculated fields by grouping feature fields. As an example, calaculating the estimation for feature type A vs feature type B in a single view vs having to create multiple list and/or pivot reports to achieve this.

    • Iris L
      Jan 18, 2023

      Having this functionality will avoid confusions when presenting budget amounts and will avoid additional steps when managing capacity

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