It would be nice if when we create custom value fields that we could take those multiple fields and create another field in pivot view to do a calculation between those other custom value fields.
We recently launched pivot table calculations which can allow you to run calculations across nearly any field in Aha! Please see more from our blog post:
We would use this for components of scores. In our scorecard we have a cost component and a value component which is the product of two criteria. Today I can show each component in the score individually but not as a calculated value.
Date math would be super handy!
This would be handy for us too - we would more like a similar functionality in the table reports, but open to wherever we can put this. For example, we have a table that has Internal Cost to Develop vs Cost to customer. We'd like to have a report that shows the deviation between these two numbers, both as a dollar figure and as a percentage +/-. Ie. If the cost to develop is $20,000 and the cost to customer was $40,000, then we'd have a +$20,000 in the dollar value and +50% in the percentage value. Just saves exporting to excel and manipulating.
It would be very similar to the functionality in MS Excel where you can create a calculated field in a pivot table. Please see attached image.
Can you expand on what you would like to do?
If you want to show row or column totals then this is something that is coming shortly. If you want something more sophisticated I am interested to hear more about the use case.