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Integration with ToDoist

It would be very useful to have an integration with ToDoist, so that all To Does assigned to me be automatically added in a specific project in ToDoist. 

A new trigger for Zapier like "New to do assigned to me" might work too. 

    Oct 3, 2024

    Thank you for the idea. We currently do not have plans to update this area as it does not align with our current strategy or recent customer requests.

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    • Guest
      Oct 24, 2023

      please make this. I love Todoist, I love Aha! I neeeeed both in my life.

    • james allan
      May 18, 2021

      Still waiting for this!

    • Guest
      May 10, 2018

      This would be really helpful. A straight 2-way integration would be the best option.


      At the very least, the Zapier integration that does exist should include the creation of and updates to Aha Tasks assigned to a specific user as an option, since this is the purpose of Todoist (and other to do list tools).  See screenshot for the missing Zapier option.

    • John Ascroft
      Apr 21, 2018

      Two way between Aha To do and Todoist with a default project would be awesome

    • Guest
      May 23, 2017

      Yes, please make it two-way integration so a task marked as complete in todoist is marked complete in aha and vice versa. Also please consider allowing feature level todoist integration rather than just 'to-dos'

    • Kyle Carpenter
      May 11, 2016

      Please please make this a two-way integration.  Todoist is a fantastic cross-platform task capture and management tool.  The Zapier integration is good, but a little thin and not two-way.

    • Guest
      Mar 18, 2016

      Wow, saw this change to Likely to implement, I am very much looking forward to that :-)

    • Guest
      Jan 29, 2016

      I would also love to have my to do items from Aha integrate with ToDoist.

      It would be great to hear from the Aha team if this is something that is planned?

    • Derek Fields
      Dec 15, 2015

      I would like to be able to send to-dos assigned to me to Todoist so that I don't have to maintain two different todo lists. A Zapier integration would be fine.

    • Guest
      Dec 2, 2015

      I would like to see "New To-Do" as an available option for Aha in Zapier. In my use case I actually want any change to any To-Do for any user to be sent to Zapier so I can then send on to a master team to-do list in another tool (Wunderlist, Trello and so on)

      Of course if the To-Do list feature inside Aha can be improved then I could avoid needing a separate tool. I will vote on an existing idea or add a new one regarding this.