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Roll Feature comments and Phase comments up the Release level

When making comments or notes, they are sometimes appropriate for the entire Release AND a specific Feature. To get an overview of the entire release I either have to click through all the features and cross reference the dates for each comment or copy and paste them to the comments in the Release.

I suggest the option of rolling the comments of all associated Features and Phases up to the Release comments so one can quickly review all the comments in context of the entire project.

    Aug 16, 2018

    Thank you for your idea. It is currently possible to summarize comments by release using a pivot table. The attached example shows one way you could set this up.

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    • Adam Fink
      May 1, 2019

      Thanks for the support and screenshot.  It is slightly helpful to do it this way, but it still compartmentalizes the comments.  Is there a way, with a pivot table, to aggregate ALL notes from the release level and feature level (maybe even the requirements and to-do level as well) in a chronological order?  This would supply a total picture of everything that has happened (comment wise) in the release.  Thanks again.