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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-2691 Copy and paste images into WYSIWYG editing areas (particularly notes).

Support pasting of pictures directly into Aha to view alongside of text and without requiring user to upload file

I want to be able to embed pictures along with the text in virtually all elements within Aha where you can enter text. My need is two-fold.

First: I don't want readers to have to open attachments to see the images. It's an extra unnecessasry click for users and sometimes "hides" info that is needed for complete understanding.

Second: It is time consuming and tedious to upload picture files, particularly when you are taking screencaptures. This is a big usability issue for us with Aha and causes a great deal of frustration in our use of the tool.