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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas Slack
Created by Guillem Bergada
Created on Jul 18, 2017

Thumbnail Preview for Aha! links in Slack

It would be great if we could see the description of the idea when posting it through slack (or Workplace). Additionally, if we could vote through the thumbnail/preview, that would be awesome (not sure if this is possible though). Thanks!

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  • Stephen Gardner
    Oct 21, 2024

    As a member of the product team trying to evangelize Aha! – and product ideas – to the rest of my organization, I want to encourage my colleagues to submit ideas and to add votes, so that they can feel empowered to request new functionality and track the progress of their (and their customers') requests.

    A link preview would provide more context, and show off the power of Aha! – make it feel like a "real" site - more than just a URL I'm telling them to click.

    1 reply
  • Alexey Zimarev
    Apr 15, 2024

    Lack of previews for links to Aha! records is a real bummer. It hinders effective Slack collaboration as when people send Aha! links to their peers or channels, they have to click on the link to know what the record is about, rather then seeing essential information right there in Slack.

    Most, if not all, integrations with issue trackes and roadmap tools support link previews.

  • Ryan Hutnick
    May 23, 2022

    Pendo provides a method for showing data about guides. This allows me to see what I need at quick glance and easy for stakeholders / co-workers to see what they need to see.

  • Ryan Hutnick
    May 23, 2022

    In addition to description, other key information would be helpful when sharing links in slack. Number of votes on an idea, custom field information, the status, etc could all be shared so a user doesn't have to click the link to go view it unless they want to take action.