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This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-3475 Make tiles in dependency map visualizations customizable.

Add Product Name and Release Name when visualizing dependencies

I like the new feature for visualizing dependencies but it really isn’t useful unless we can also see the product and relevant release name in the view. I have several cross product, release spanning dependencies.
  • Laura Bednasz
    Nov 22, 2016

    Since one of our our biggest headache tends to be features that overlap independently released products, it's important for me to know the product name and release name in the dependency visualization.

  • +1

Display Product Name in the Visualize View

We have a large portfolio and not only looking for dependencies but also for duplicative work across multiple products. It would be really valuable to see the Product name in the new Visualize view (which is rocking awesome! BTW).
Trit Mulligan over 8 years ago in Features 0 Already exists