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Categories Integrations
Created by Jon Kremer
Created on Nov 21, 2016

Integration with Microsoft Teams

Our organization is moving from Slack and into using Microsoft Teams.  We would like to have our Aha! activity feed integration be compatible with Teams.

  • Attach files
  • Emad Gharaibeh
    Apr 18, 2019

    Totally agree with that, currently it only views what ever changed in aha as a comment in MS Teams, would like to see more options available.

  • Guest
    Apr 6, 2019

    Great news to see this has now moved to Planning to Implement. Thank you! Now that it's on the plan do you have an ETA? Happy to be a tester if needed.

  • Guest
    Mar 27, 2019

    Microsoft Teams now has 155 Active Monthly Users. Can we get this past likely to implement to Get it Done? 

  • Steve Podzamsky
    Mar 26, 2019

    I see that this idea was posted 2 years ago. We are moving from one collaboration tool to Microsoft teams, and this integration would help us immensely. As an organization, we are always reviewing tools, and Aha not integrating with teams is proving problematic to us rolling out Aha to a wider user base across out business units.

  • Guest
    Mar 13, 2019

    Any update on this integration with teams?

  • Guest
    Feb 21, 2019

    I am not able to find Aha in the Teams store

  • Jamison West
    Jan 25, 2019

    Excited to see this integration! Thank you!

  • Tony Cleveland
    Nov 2, 2018

    We have incorporated MS Teams in many of our workflows and having this integration would be extremely helpful.

  • Guest
    Sep 10, 2018

    MS Teams was not a choice, but an organizational mandate. Please help!

  • Guest
    Sep 5, 2018

    This idea should be more than just adding the Aha Connector for activity feeds in Teams (that's done). Please review what Wrike offers (see other post) and change this one to Planning to Implement with an ETA :)

  • Guest
    Aug 17, 2018

    I provided Bill Riebe with instructions on how to integrate the ISLT MS Team with Aha. If you already manage a different MS Team, go to the Store within MS Teams, select Aha, and follow the instructions to integrate your Aha activity to a tab in your Team. Contact me directly if you need help.

  • David Behr
    Mar 8, 2018

    Any updates Aha?  This has been logged for over a year.  

  • Guest
    Feb 22, 2018

    We also would like this as we are moving even our intranet from SharePoint to teams, to align more with the Microsoft roadmap

  • Guest
    Feb 7, 2018


  • Guest
    Jan 26, 2018

    Wrike nails it. See Wrike integration with Microsoft Teams. Teams is integration is high priority for us and I am guessing a deal breaker for some of your prospects. I know there is a connector but it really needs the tab integration and also the ability to explicitly link Team Documents to Features not just attach a copy. This idea was raised more than a year ago - can we get this switched to Planned and get an ETA?

  • Steve Kadlec
    Jan 15, 2018

    Current Aha feed into teams is a connector.  I would like it to be a Tab instead.  I have Microsoft Teams for our Product team that handles multiple products.  Each Product has a channel.  I want to be able to see a feed from aha, but not mixed in with the conversation tab.

  • Guest
    Dec 20, 2017

    Agreed, need AHA integration with Teams. Thank you!

  • Guest
    Oct 30, 2017

    Teams is now the new standard at my company, replacing Skype for Business.  We never did get adoption of Slack done, and since Teams is basically a rip-off of Slack, we won't be using both.  Getting Aha integrated with Teams will really help us.

  • David Behr
    Sep 10, 2017

    same here

  • Stephen Furlani
    Aug 21, 2017

    ... not that we wanted to switch from Slack to Teams...

  • +12

Add O365 Teams/Planner integration

Provide similar support to O365 tools as to Slack, company is locked into Microsoft system sand integration would be great
David Fraser over 6 years ago in Wanted 0 Shipped