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Created by Chris Waters
Created on Aug 17, 2016

Add custom field for any object type

Currently Aha! supports a Persona custom field type. It should be possible to add custom fields for any record type (like product, initiative, goal, release, feature, idea). This would allow linking to existing records from custom tables, and would allow creating custom links between any of these record types.

The field should be a tag-like field that allows multiple selections.

    Dec 28, 2016

    It is now possible to add custom fields for any record type in Aha! including products, goals, initiatives, competitors, personas, releases, features and ideas.

    Read more about additional ways that you can leverage our new feature.


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  • Steve Matthews
    Aug 29, 2016

    This might help us make better use of the Competitor information we enter into Aha!. The ideal would be to have all Competitors listed at the top level, with some way to "inherit" some or all of them at the Product level. We also have the situation where Competitors with multiple products compete with two or more of our own Products.