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Ability to show each initiative as a card on Feature Board view with hierarchy of features cards

When treating Epics as Initiatives and Stories as Features, I'd like to use the Feature Board view (like this view because you can see individual feature cards by release and drag/drop between releases). Currently, this view only shows cards for Features (Stories). If this view also showed cards for each Initiative (Epic) and then showed the hierarchical relationship between Initiative cards and Feature cards with the ability to collapse/show (i.e., collapse all features so I only see all initiative cards or show all features so I see all initiative and all feature cards and their links/relationships). This would allow me to show executives and external partners a view of the Feature Board by release in collapse state so that we can discuss which epics will be included in each release. Then, when I'm working on this view within our Product group or with our Scrum Master, I can view in "show" view and see all epics (initiatives) and all stories (features) to be able to plan each release in more granular details.

    Jul 1, 2019

    Since this idea was created we have introduced master features. Master features can be shown in a board view or as labels on feature cards in the features board.

    Given the capabilities now available with master features, we are unlikely to add initiative cards to the features board. We hope you can understand.

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    • Max Cascone
      Apr 11, 2017

      Do Master Features scratch this itch now?