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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas
Created by Chris Humphreys
Created on May 19, 2016

Hover to see description of status on Ideas in a portal

We need to show our Idea portal users descriptions for the different Idea statuses. This is a common question, since status names are so concise but really important to submitters. We'd like to write a basic description that could appear similar to how the description of a custom field appears when you hover over a ? next to the field in Aha.

Alternately, a place for free text on the portal page, where we could list all the status descriptions would be fine. There is probably some way to do this with custom HTML/CSS in the header, but that's pretty complicated.

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  • Stacy Monnahan
    Apr 17, 2022

    You've allowed the ability to give the status a description, but then fell short when actually making it useful. Hovering just reiterates the field value when u would have expected the description to show. Feels more like a bug than a new idea.

  • Eli Cohen
    Jul 25, 2021

    We are on a process to implement Aha for our customers and this was the first comment asking for description of each Workslow status.

  • David Kettinger
    Dec 20, 2019

    For similar reasons as already stated this would be very helpful.  It would put the ideas portal on parity with the Ideas form in Aha.

  • Lana Ellis
    May 1, 2019

    We are new to using AHA as are our customers and therefore we need to be clear what our statuses mean and that they are easily interpreted. A legend, hover over or an information panel would be great. 

  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2016

    I spoke with Aha support on this idea and I'd like to propose a different way to satisfy this idea....a check box in the status workflow settings area in Aha.  The checkbox would be to display the status descriptions on idea portals via the question mark icons (with the default being off so current Aha customers are not affected/keep their Aha working how it has been). I would expect that it have to be all portals or none of them (no turning it on for one portal and not turning it on for another portal). This would deliver on the requirement and would easier than adding fields (which I would not recommend). 

  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2016

    And this is one reason why I love Aha....I was typing up the exact same idea when this idea popped up in the "recommended" list. Saved me time and effort. vote +1.  Adding to the above request to add weight: This feature has been done already in the product (categories, elsewhere) using the ? icon and that is exactly what is needed/expected here.  Delivering on this request would save countless hours for thousands of employees for explaining exactly what each state/status means. This would also help our customers themselves explaining the meaning of each status to others in their companies. I've already written and iterated/improved many times on the description on each status, only to find out it doesn't get displayed on the idea portal. This is one of those no-brainer requirements (read: easy win) that ends up delivering on an overall great experience.  I'm more than willing to beta test any enhancements in this area.  Note: I am not voting for an alt place for free text on the portal page for this request.  Punting to CSS/HTML as a workaround is not a viable alternative to this solution...needs to be in the product.  It honestly feels like you guys are already 70% there (just need to finish the last 30%).


Add info bubble to Statuses in the Customer View

Customers often question exactly what the Statuses mean and the SLAs tied to them. It would be wonderful if Aha Admins could configure an Info Bubble next to each Status, where customers can hover over and see that Status's details. (see attached)
Ginger Alford almost 4 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration