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Do not show "achieved", "abandoned", "not started" or "do not show on charts" on the available Initiatives for releases

On releases, when I attach it to an initiative, I noticed that I see the entire initiative list including abandoned, achieved, and ones marked to not 'show on charts".

Is there a way to remove them from the list, or do we actually need to delete the initiatives?
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    • Admin
      Chris Waters
      Oct 13, 2016

      If you have goals or initiatives that have been achieved, then you can hide them in the UI by associating them with a "Time frame" and then setting that time frame to be "Archived". This post describes how to set up time frames: . Notice that in the last screenshot there it shows the "Archived" checkbox that you can use to hide everything in that time frame.

    • Suzie Hastie
      Oct 13, 2016

       This Idea shows as shipped however I am able to attached Achieved Initiatives to Releases and Features, which this idea indicates I should not be able to do (and I don't want my users to be able to do this).