This may be something you already have but I haven't discovered it yet. As we build out our roadmap, there are clear dependencies between features, sometimes several layers deep. We can specify those dependencies within each feature. However, it would be great if the dependencies could be mapped to a visual dependency tree to highlight the sequence that features need to be developed in. Also make it clear to stakeholders who always ask for the stuff at the end, to show them the sequence of steps that need to happen first! I've attached a screenshot of the type of diagram that would be great.
Hi Chris,
My diagram was being a little loose. I suppose internally here we
distinguish between a bedrock "feature" that needs to be implemented, and
then additional use cases that require additional work on top of that. The
term feature/requirement/use-case are all inter-changeable. In terms of how
it might work, I'd imagine something like:
- select any feature or requirement
- display all linked dependencies (into and out of) this feature and any
related features
- so you're basically following the dependencies in all directions,
until they reach the end, and then displaying them in a visual way
*Darragh Smyth*
Product Manager | *phone*: +353 (87) 369 0484 | *skype*:
Thanks for the idea submission. Dependency mapping is something that has been asked for a couple of times and we are considering adding.
In your diagram are "Use case" boxes the same as Requirements?
Should a dependency chart only show features that are part of the dependency graph and ignore features that are not related?
Regards, Chris.