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Ability to add inline images from the clipboard

The user should be given the ability to Paste an image that is present in the Clipboard. I often use screen-clipping software such as Skitch to grab a screenshot and paste it in my word document. The clipping software works with hot-keys that have been defined. The grab is usually of an issue that I see with my product. Followed by an Aha feature to suggest an enhancement to the product.

I can seamlessly paste a picture in my clipboard to a Gmail email inline without creating an attachment/ saving the picture as a file. First saving the picture as a file and then locating it on my HDD through Aha adds to my workflow of creating a ticket. 

    Feb 20, 2019

    Get ready for even more team collaboration. You can now use rich styling tools including the ability to copy and paste images inline, new font colors, and highlighting to tell a better story. Write and edit alongside your colleagues and view changes in real time.

    See the new text editor in action.

  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • rahul sharma
      May 25, 2018

      I believe the ideas should be moved to other categories if there is no movement on it for such a long time. Will save others time if its not likely to be picked. 

      P.S. I was surprised that this was not a feature and I vote for it

    • M J
      May 8, 2018

      Lack of this feature is one of main reasons we do not switch from Jira 

    • Bradley Eaton
      Oct 26, 2017

      Currently we use Confluence for doing high-level developer documentation before breaking it down into individual tickets. Confluence does support pasting images inline. I don't see us migrating from Confluence to Aha with that documentation until this is a features. It wastes too much time to have to save my mocks to disk and then browse and attach them. I also don't like the fact that they are then listed below as attachments. Many times the attached image alone is meaningless without all the context around it.

    • Guest
      Oct 18, 2017

      Its been almost two years since this one was put up, whats the gameplan here? Not having this ability seems to be behind the curve. Hell, social media outlets have been doing this for some time and have created an expected behavior!


    • Karin Lawson-Remer
      Oct 11, 2016

      In addition, my developers always ask me to re-copy/paste the image into Github after transferring the image there, since if i attach in Aha, it only shows as a link in Github. Saving as an image would save a LOT of time on my part!

    • Guest
      Feb 13, 2016

      Yes! Pasting inline images would save lots of time - even when copying and pasting from legacy word documents where lots of the formatting and images get lost in translation.