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Ability to click to zoom on images in description field

you should be able to click on attachments/images to view an expanded view of the image from the description box. Right now they appear in the description and many times are used to describe bugs or new features, however the preview is too small for them to provide any value, and I have to click on the attachments below to actually view it. However they are also out of order and missing the context of the description so I'm not exactly sure if I'm looking at the right image, or in the right sequence.

    Feb 4, 2016

    Images within descriptions can be resized inside the text editor to allow you to see a larger image. As noted, the attachments are clickable and allow you to download the image. There is also the ability to rename images and add captions to better identify each image.

    At this time based on current priorities and existing functionality, we are unlikely to make changes in this area but hope that the mentioned workarounds can at least be helpful. We hope you can understand.

  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Guest
      Jan 30, 2019

      This is something we would love too. Sometimes screenshots get added inline and it would be helpful to be bale to click to zoom.

    • Bradley Eaton
      Dec 13, 2017

      I have to agree with this suggestion. Many times, we're dealing with full annotated screen shots. As our stakeholders are reviewing features, they need to be able to click on an image while they're reading over the description. The context is important here. Scrolling to the bottom to click on the image, wastes time, and they loose the context. You already have this feature at the bottom, I can't imagine it would be that big of a deal to simply provide it for the images displayed inline. Please reconsider this.