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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Ideas
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 21, 2015

Allow product lines to have ideas and features

Some ideas and features are across products under the product line.  The group product manager should be able to manage and prioritize these ideas/features at the product line level and be able to assign it to product/products if it goes across

    Mar 26, 2016

    Currently, the feature board is set at the product level to help with prioritizing features and releases for each product. This allows a focused view into feature prioritization at the product level.

    It's also possible to create pivot reports which show features across releases and products (though drag and drop prioritization is not available from the reporting screen).

    At this time, we are unlikely to make updates in this area due to current priorities and community feedback. We hope you can understand.

    Please note that for ideas, its possible to create a single portal which spans multiple products. This can allow you to capture ideas across product.s

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  • Laura Giles
    Apr 30, 2019

    I am curious to know how other teams manage x-portfolio requests

  • Max Cascone
    Mar 2, 2017

    I think the community would appreciate another admin review of this. This idea doesn't seem to have received the appropriate review.

  • Max Cascone
    Dec 24, 2016

    I don't agree with the Admin response. What if an Idea is for a new product that doesn't yet exist? Where would that go?

  • Guest
    Mar 24, 2016

    really really need this.  We have features that can span products and releases.

  • Guest
    Oct 1, 2015



Ability to move features between product lines

In certain cases there is a need for moving user stories (features) that are common across product lines
Guest over 8 years ago in Wanted 0 Unlikely to implement