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Set feature position based on the input context

Right now when you add a feature, it always goes to the top.

This is to ensure the added feature is immediately visible to the user after adding (if adding to the bottom of a long list, it would not be visible).

However, you still have the same problem if scrolled all the way to the bottom of a list - when you add it to the top, the user doesn't see it either.

You have some context as to know where to put the new feature so you can guess intelligently where to put it. 

1. If clicking 'add feature' within a release on the features board, add it to the top, as you do now.

2. If clicking on 'create and continue in the Create Feature dialog', THEN add it below the one just added.

3. If a feature is currently selected, add below it. 

    May 29, 2019

    This is now possible using the Add feature button at the bottom of each release column on the features board.

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    • A Peters
      Aug 21, 2020

      It's worth noting that features created through integration also automatically go to the top, meaning all the ones we've scored get moved down in favor of ones we haven't even reviewed yet.

    • Mat Jennings
      Jun 15, 2017

      I would prefer to just have the ability to set a default new feature to always appear at the bottom.  Right now, I'm forced to either rank something immediately or my ranked list quickly becomes polluted.  It would also be great to be able to see which features have not been ranked.  If this was possible I would mind seeing them at the top of the list.  The problem is I need to know what I explicitly put at the top vs what just got added there because I didn't have time to rank it.

    • Guest
      May 4, 2017

      yes, please !  I like to add features from the Feature Board using the '+' symbol next to the release.  But there has never been a case where I am adding from the bottom of a backlog first. When I add items, I always want it either added to the bottom of the stack, or at least below the one I have highlighted. 

    • Guest
      Jun 24, 2015

      If you are in an 'initiative' the feature should be added to the initiative. if you are in a release "parking lot", the feature should be added to that parking lot. etc...

    2 MERGED

    Add new feature to the bottom of the backlog

    New features created by promoting ideas currently end up at the top of the backlog (Rank 1). Since we spend quite a bit of time sorting features to put the most important ones at the top it would be much better if new features ended up at the bott...
    Tobias Lehtipalo over 7 years ago in Features 0 Shipped