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Workflow within Aha to discuss idea details with submitter

Today when a person submits an idea, there is no way for a product manager to reach out to the submitter via Aha tool and request more information. This is a problem as then all subsequent discussions are carried out via separate channels. Instead, please provide a workflow within Aha tool so that when a person submits a request, the product manager can review idea  and mark status as 'Information Required' and ask further clarifying questions to the submitter. The submitter would then get notified that more info is needed and he log into Aha and would provide the needed info within Aha ideas portal then mark the idea status as 'Info Provided'. He could also provide attachments. This could happen multiple times until the idea is clearly understood by the product manager. 

This is valuable to all product managers as they would be able to clarify ideas with the submitter within the Aha tool. It is also valuable to Aha company as it will make your product more sticky and used as all conversations will happen within the tool.   

    Jan 22, 2019

    Thank you for your idea. We would recommend using idea comments for ongoing discussions with ideas portal users. Additionally, when comments are added from inside Aha! they are added with an Admin notation. This helps customers to understand that it is someone from the product team who is requesting more information.

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