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Need to be able to see the required information for an idea ion one tab, not many

We need to be able to view all public comments and provide admin responses based on what we read there. Prior to the change this was easy as the idea name, description, public comments and the ability to add an admin response was all on the same page.

With the new layout we're unable to combine these essential items into one page so when we're viewing new ideas and reviewing existing ones. While we can manage tabs and the limited content on each of them, we're unable to add all of the above information to one page as it's been split across multiple tabs.

Previously all the needed information was in one place and we could see all that was needed at once, now it's many click between tabs to view this information disparately.

Please consider a way for us to more effectively choose the content that is displayed when an idea is opened so that we don't need to be looking at more than one tab. Of most value would be to includ ethe ability to add an Admin Message from the Comments tab

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