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Status Future consideration
Categories Reports
Created by Ronnie Merkel
Created on Sep 23, 2020
Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-8861 Allow bar and column charts to be created from lists.

Select multiple custom worksheet fields for charts Merged

We make use of the custom worksheet fields to track things like resource allocation or hours by a defined set of categories for releases and initiatives. The charting tool sees each field as an individual field so there does not appear to be a way to aggregate/sum/visualize several category fields into a single graph.

For example if the tags field is used to drive from, a pie chart can be created to identify the slices by tag of all the feature estimates within a release providing a visual for comparing how many story points were allocated to each tag or category.

Maybe a way to oversimplify is that if I were to create a list report with tags and original estimate, feature name, "tags" would be a single column. If I create a list report with a custom worksheet field, each field in the worksheet gets its own column so there does not appear to be a straightforward way to get all the fields into a single graph to compare or summarize.

However, I could totally be missing something obvious so there is that.

  • Aldon C
    Feb 11, 2021

    I think I have a similar case to the original post; we have an Initiative with 2 customer numeric fields - a "target" number of how many external releases we want, and an "actual" number of where we are today.

    Today, it looks like the attached in a spreadsheet. Each pair of bars represents the Target and Actual values for each Initiative. Ironically, the sample image while you're configuring a Bar Chart looks similar to this but it doesn't appear you can create it.

  • Admin
    Nathaniel Collum
    Sep 28, 2020

    Thanks for sharing this idea! So that we can better understand the use case, could you provide an example of the chart you are hoping to see? We want to make sure we are following your request correctly. Thanks!