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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-11651 Show child initiatives nested under parent initiatives on the strategic roadmap.

Want to see projects (Initiatives) under a program (a Parent line of initiatives) using the Strategic Roadmap View

We really want to have the ability to see the projects (initiatives) under a program (a Paren line of initiatives) using the Strategic Roadmap View.

  • John Michaels
    Sep 11, 2020

    I can't see who voted, but my leaders (Director Level and Above) really want this. If I could Proxy vote I would for them.

  • Admin
    Nathaniel Collum
    Aug 28, 2020

    Thank you, John! This is an interesting use case. We will continue to monitor feedback in this area.

  • John Michaels
    Aug 25, 2020

    You can see in the attached email how what we are requesting. We want to see the projects under a Program using the Roadmap view.