It would be useful to add conditions to the new automation rules feature to allow for more targeted behavior. For example in my internal ideas portal, I have an approval step in the ideas workflow between "needs review" and the next step in the process; allowing a group of internal stakeholders to approve or park an idea. I want to create a customer facing ideas portal and automatically bypass the approval based on the source of the idea (portal url). The workflow automation is already useful, but would be more so if it could be triggered conditionally based on other data elements.
Release time frame | 3 months |
Automation rules can now have additional conditions, so that you can better control when they run. You can also now select multiple field values to trigger a single automation rule. And we added a new trigger options for ideas based on the portal the idea was submitted in.
Read more!
Thanks for following up! There are two separate scenarios which will work differently:
If you add multiple conditions to an automation rule, they are indeed "ands" – all conditions must be true for the rule to be triggered
If you select multiple values in a single dropdown, like choosing 3 idea categories, those are "ors" – if any of these match, then the rule will be triggered.
Just a quick question/correction ... I took a quick look at the multiple conditions addition to automations (thank you for this!) and it appears that they are "and"ed, not "or"ed as Kelly mentions below ... might want to correct that note, or correct me if I'm wrong. :)
Good news! You can now select multiple values in a field trigger and these work as an "or". In the conditions you can also select a field value of "blank."
Would be helpful to have enhancement to leverage an OR statement instead of AND. Additionally option to say in the conditional statement the value is NULL or is not NULL would be great for further flexibility on rule flexibility.
Long time coming!!
Thank you Aha team - this may be the most excited I've been for a feature to roll out
The automation rules would be so much more useful if we are able to set simple checks and conditions when they execute!
Similar ask here. I want automation only to run when an idea is in a certain status, and field X is updated.
This would be incredibly helpful, we would love to ensure automation rules and data population associated with them are executed successfully 100% of the time without the need for manual intervention.
As a work coordinator, I would like to trigger a To-Do at a specific (custom) workflow status, so that I do not have to create a standard To-Do manually for each feature that reaches the workflow step.
It would be awesome to be able to have multiple trigger criteria for an automation. Ex. IF the status is "Submitted" AND it already has another field value of "Saas" THEN trigger an email.
absolutely need this to avoid custom fields and manual workarounds in external tools.
Use cases:
need ability to set automation that if a record end date changes more than a week out AND it has a certain tag (like compliance), I can email certain stakeholders or update a worksheet we use during governance meetings for reviewing critical changes.
need ability to set automation that if an end date is populated and it’s the first time it’s populated, it copies the value of the end date into a “Baseline end date” field. This would allow us to capture a baseline in a read-only field which we could later report on for on-time delivery.
need ability to set automation that if an end date is populated AND a custom field for committed state = “committed”, an email is sent to watchers or a fixed list of emails to advise key stakeholders that we’ve locked in a delivery date.
need ability to set automation that if an end date is changed AND there is a related record dependent on this record, the owner is notified of the change. Same would apply to records where it moves to watch or at risk and the dependent record owner could be notified. Lots of good use cases for something like this.
Need ability to create a single automation rule for status changes that sends a custom email based on the new status (multiple “if” conditions). Today you need to create one automation rule per status value and since there is no global automation rules or easier way to copy an automation rule to multiple workspaces at once, this takes forever if you decide to create an automation rule like this after the workspace is created.
This would absolutely be a welcome addition
Similar to other comments and merged Ideas, I would like a rule to update the value of a field on a record only if that value is not already assigned (is blank). Be great to see extensions like this to the automation rules. 👍
Dear Team, we could also use the multiple conditions within the rules, and also if the rules could be much more easily applied to several workspaces, rather then copying and moving them one by one. Thank you very much!
Automation rules are fairly limited in use at the moment.
Specifically: I also need to be able to trigger automation when an Idea or an Initiative gets too stale. Automation is great, but has limited value when I can't do this
I need to automatically change the status of an idea when it sits unreviewed for too long. I have built automated to-do's with due dates, but I really the ability to switch the idea's status to a custom OVERDUE status if it hasn't been switched out of NEEDS REVIEW within a month.
I tried building a good automated workflow by defining custom review due fields, but the problem really hinges on the possible triggers being extremely limited (idea is created or updated). I need triggers based on age of idea + status, or the ability to schedule a triggering change.
IF an idea is still in NEEDS REVIEW status after X days, change its status to OVERDUE and set a new task for the assigned user.
Set REVIEW BY date when idea is created. IF idea status does not change by REVIEW BY date, change status to OVERDUE and send notification.
Hi - is there any update on this item and possible inclusion for a release? Thanks!
I want the automation rules feature to include an action that delivers an email with a survey hyperlink to the creator of the idea.
Idea is:
- Upon completion of a request, by changing a request's status to "Complete," the application would send a notification to the creator that houses a survey link we have generated.
I want to be able to branch Automation Rules based on multiple triggers. If X and Y, then do Z.