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Release capacity planner by team

We have different teams that work around the clock in the each release.   I need to be able to track per release the capacity so I can visualize each team individually and as a whole. 

    Dec 2, 2019

    Thanks for the idea!

    Currently, you can add a release filter to your capacity report that will narrow the results to only include those releases.

    We will monitor this idea for community feedback around the team concept to help us prioritize.

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    • Tiffany Long
      Apr 27, 2020

      This seems like what I am looking for as well. After meeting with me dev manager, he want to do estimates by team and assign the work kanban style as the developers become available in that team. Doing estimates by person is time consuming and would only need to be changed later when that person isn't the person who actually ends up being the person in the group who ends up doing the work.

    • Guest
      Dec 12, 2019

      To add to this. If I could associate users to a Group or "Team" (separate than Paid Seat Group),  then perform capacity on a Team basis. We struggle using Release capacity because the Features on a Product Roadmap cannot just be thrown over the fence to engineering and any engineer can work on it. We have specialized teams, such as Security, who can only work on certain features. We can break it out to multiple products, but we don't want 15 Aha products for one of our actual products just so we can accurately use the Release capacity.