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Status Future consideration
Categories Roadmaps
Created by Mike Jacobson
Created on Nov 20, 2019

Ability to resize the Custom Roadmap Columns width

We would like to resize the column widths in the Custom Roadmap just like you can in a Pivot Table

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  • Guest
    Apr 23, 2024

    This is a no-brainer. Having wonky text wrapping makes the roadmap sloppy and inappropriate to share with executive or external stakeholders.

  • Rob Taroncher
    Mar 28, 2024

    This would be a major value add to the custom roadmaps feature set. My organization desires to be able to show the content of a custom roadmap in external and internal artifacts and currently does not want to do so because the formatting is unacceptable as there are instances where the columns are too narrow and cause a single word to be split between two lines. That presentation is unacceptable to show in any artifact we leverage, unfortunately.

    Controlling the width would allow us to streamline a large number of slide decks we currently make by hand to be automated with the custom Aha! roadmaps because they could meet our base standards.

    Please consider this functionality for being added to the roadmap.

  • Christian Svoboda
    Jul 7, 2023

    Agreed. The column widths are unnecessarily wide. They are making my roadmap unreadable. I'd like the ability to adjust their width.

  • Laura Chinellato
    Mar 8, 2023

    I have the exact same problem. In my view I have 5 columns and they take up most of the space in the screen and I am working with a big one. I think people with a laptop screen can see very little of the timeline.

    It would be a great feature to have.

  • CJ Jacobs
    Aug 9, 2020

    I would love this as well. I can't display capacity planning with a timeline because there are too many dimensions needed for the rows, making more than 50% of viewable page column headers. Would appreciate word wrap included as well

  • +2

Make custom roadmap columns more configurable

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