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Status Planning to implement
Categories Strategy
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 18, 2024

Change back strategic models form

What is the challenge?

The strategic model form has been amended so information can be added to a text box instead of opening a side panel, but this text box is so buggy...

  1. When I click and drag on the text box to highlight text the text box goes into a dragging mode (very annoying)

  2. When typing in the text box the text box keeps refreshing, meaning I have to click back on the text box (also very annoying...)

What is the impact?

It's taking me a lot longer to fill out the form, so I might as well use something else to complete my task...

Describe your idea

Change your forms back, or at least provide an option to use the old method...

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    Nathaniel Collum
    Jun 18, 2024

    Thank you for letting us know about these issues. Our engineering team is looking at these now.