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Status Future consideration
Categories Strategy
Created by Satish H
Created on May 10, 2022

Need ability to remove epics and features from initiative

Currently there is an option to add epics and features to initiative in the "Related" tab of Initiative. However, there is no option to remove/unlink epics and features from the initiative. I am forced to go into each epic/feature and unlink the initiative one by one. Need an option perhaps with a trashcan button on each epic/feature to unlink it. Alternatively, provide a checkbox against each epic/feature to select multiple and take a bulk action to remove the selected set.

Release time frame 1 month
  • Attach files
  • clare frary
    Jul 1, 2022

    From my perspective, I'm not sure this is essential. The workaround to go to each epic/feature is pretty simple and usually you would need to assign the epic/feature to another initiative anyway. No vote from me, sorry!

  • Vincent B
    Jul 1, 2022

    Absolutely essential