Total value of Salesforce opportunities or # of cases as a column in the Idea list
When prioritizing ideas, they are easily filtered by vote count. What would also be useful is total opp value and case count.
As you can only see the aggregated value of opps when clicked into an Idea, it would be great if the total amount could ...
over 9 years ago
in Integrations
Already exists
As an admin and a Jira user, I can understand why Aha doesn't automatically push all new features to Jira, BUT I would like to have more places within the features views where I can do this sync (Board, Details, List, and Workflow). This features ...
over 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Sharing dropbox attachments between features/notes etc..
This is likely a feature request, but just in case I have not figured out a secret way to do this, I thought I would ask :) I want to be able to re-use some attachments that I have in dropbox across multiple attachment points in Aha (mockups that ...
Melissa Hopkins
over 9 years ago
Unlikely to implement
We want to have one Aha product linked to two different Jira projects. I've got this setup and working, but the Actions button simpy shows "Send to Jira" for both. It's challenging for users to know which one is appropriate for which project. It w...
I love the drag and drop editing for release phases in detail view. Except when I don't.
i.e. when release phases spontaneously move to start on december 5, year 548 .....
It would be awesome if you had to click a lock/unlock button to release th...
Eva Humphrey
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement