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Aha! Roadmaps

Showing 9107 of 9107

"Choose an image" box or filename should accommodate text correctly

I can't see entire filenames, and the GUI for the folders list at the top gets messed up when there are many sub-folders. If you look at the file names not showing whole filename.png you will see that black box is not adjusting to accommodate the ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Integrations 0 Already exists

External Product Owners

Hi, Our Product Owners (i.e.: head of community development) aren't people who will ever use Aha! directly, but I'd like to list them without create user accounts for them. Can this be added? Meaning, why does listing a Product Owner require creat...
Guest over 7 years ago in Application 2 Already exists

Filter out users who have not been assigned to features/master features

In Features Workflow and Master Features Workflow, exclude users who are not assigned to any features or master features. This also would apply to the "Assigned to User" filter when it is added to the workflow board; exclude all users who have not...
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Features 3 Unlikely to implement

Show legend in exports (Charts) only when set to show in the chart itself.

Hi, Within Ideas / Charts - Export functionality You see the button “Legend”, you click to show, which is good, only export the legend when you have selected the button to “show” the legend, if not set/clicked, do not export. Best Nic
Guest over 7 years ago in Presentations 2 Unlikely to implement

Change close detail button on Requirements Sub-section box

This is not a must have but the UX made me feel like I was going to delete the requirement, not close the sub-section detail.
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement


Integrate Aha! with ProcessMaker.
Chris Waters over 7 years ago in Wanted 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow the workflow of the idea to drive the visibility in the portal

Ideally, I think the visibility should really be controlled by the workflow status. If any status is set to be visible in portal then the all ideas tagged to that status shall also be visible.
Guest over 7 years ago in  0 Unlikely to implement

Ignore Commas when URL hyperlinking

If you enter or paste a URL in the text box and then type a comma, the automatic hyperlinking includes the comma in the URL. The automatic hyperlink should just include the URL and not the comma. Commas in an actual URL are very rare and should al...
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Already exists

Don't allow reviewers to edit watch list

Currently a reviewer can login, click to a feature, and add themselves as a watcher to the feature. When doing this, they have the ability to edit and update the entire watch list, including removing users that have already been set as watchers. T...
Guest over 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Unlikely to implement

Markers to reflect release days.

Particularly on the Release view. We release every 2 weeks. It would nice to be able to add a marker/line/dot/etc. to show when future releases are going to happen which can be used to align the releases in the future.
Guest over 7 years ago in Releases 0 Already exists