Due to the way the Initiative page is set-up, there is no professional way to report on Initiatives as a business case or project charter directly from Aha!. We've tried to manipulate a pivot report but due to current limitations, it doesn't allow...
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Under Product Navigation, all pages in Aha are, by default, viewable except Workflow board before customization.
It should also be included in the initial default.
about 6 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Hide work estimates in workflow board if not activated
In the Workflow Board, under Configure, there are check boxes for tracking work however we don't have work estimated activated for our products & this just confused users.
If work estimates aren't activated for a product, these check-boxes sh...
about 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
As an admin, I'd like to pre-set the View by Status visualization of Initiatives for all Products, so teams do not need to hide complete or unapproved Initiatives every time, but only see a WIP view at first glance.
They will have the ability to ...
about 6 years ago
in Strategy
Will not implement
General user experience functionality I am used to in other products.
As the current user, I'd like to see my name pre-populated at the top of the list as a selectable option for Assignee & Watcher fields, in order to quickly add myself as as...
As an admin, I need to report on user log-in information and navigation activity, as we are in the first 6mo of Aha! and it's critical for us to understand adoption.
Data Points To Consider:
who is logging in (or not)
how often
how they are usi...
Idea portal counts for status & category should only be for ideas the user has access to
Private ideas / ideas not shown in the portal should be removed from total counts in idea portal if user doesn't have access to them. Confuses users and makes it known they don't have access to all ideas.
Laura Giles
about 6 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
It's just as important to assert what you’re not working toward as it is to prioritize what you are. It would be helpful to have a place to track non-goals along with goals. “We're focusing on markets A, B, C” doesn’t clearly state “We’re not goin...
Justin Makeig
about 6 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
VSTS Integration - Error importing new records into Aha
As we are starting to use more and more Aha!, we are seeing errors while newly created records by Development team in VSTS being imported into Aha!. 2 main reasons for the errors include
Feature is not available for the user stories (Requirements...