This functionality is available for every other record type, user expectation is that it you would also be able to track progress across all Releases within the Master Release. This is a request from our Senior Leadership team as well to track por...
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
After adding additional columns to the Dependency report (example: feature due date, feature status), it would be helpful to be able to see the column headers. Without the column header, its not clear if a date is a feature due date or start date.
What is the challenge? I need a visual ranking system What is the impact? Easily see which are the best ideas for example Describe your idea Star rating systems have become universal and I have several use cases in mind where it would be helpful t...
What is the challenge? Cannot create a table within a table What is the impact? It is more challenging to organize information with lots of complex levels Describe your idea Add the capability to create tables within tables
Daniela Iancu
2 months ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Update Now, Then, Later Roadmap to Remove Old Features
What is the challenge? Now, Then, Later Roadmap doesn't auto-hide "old" features, capabilities, etc. that are no longer relevant. It only allows you to enable a "rolling" X days from now or older. While you can subsequently add a "feature due date...
8 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Epic progress doesn't update when it has children in different projects
Who would benefit? Customer using Jira epics to manage work in multiple projects What impact would it make? They would be able to see their progress in Aha! correctly How should it work? If you have an epic in Project A, and it has multiple childr...
Kyle d'Oliveira
11 months ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Master Feature > Add Information to Features Section
Business Need
After creating Master Features I need the ability to see the estimates associated with features in a master feature. For example, today when a feature is associated with a master feature I can see the feature ID, name and status. I ...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Adding the "Work request waiting for" field for Work Requests (WR) as a filter will solve a specific issue which cannot be solved within Aha today. For WR's that are assigned to multiple Products, the WR will still appear in reporting as outstandi...
over 2 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Prevent truncation of pivot and list reports in presentations and their PDF exports
Due to page breaking, sometimes exported presentations that contain list and pivot reports can have data cut off towards the end. It's desired to always see the full report in a presentation or export.
Emily Yankush
almost 2 years ago
Future consideration