As a product owner, I would find it useful to capture screen recordings as GIF files and share them with our team to describe ideas, features, requirements... Currently when I paste a GIF file into a description field, the image is converted to PN...
almost 6 years ago
in Application
Already exists
Create notes related to Aha configurations, and automatically assign them to workspaces
As an Aha administrator, I'd like to create notes about workspace configurations, and have them automatically displayed when those configurations are applied to a workspace. I'd like to update them from a central location, so I don't have to revis...
James Compton
almost 3 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Include Scorecard configuration for voting in the ideas portal
I would like to include a slimmed down version of the feature scorecard in the ideas portal so I can extract more use case information of the idea which will help me score it at the feature level.
almost 6 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
An easy way to clear all filters on the Billing>Users page would be a great help. I've had reports of frustrated billing admins attempting to locate a user account and not realizing that they have a filter set that is eliminating the user from ...
AJ DeLisle
almost 3 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
As part of the use of the Salesforce connector, we have support engineers that are opening ideas on behalf of customers. For the related fields in Aha (e.g. "Vote link" field) that refers to the related support case, it would be helpful to have th...
Jeff Shaffer
almost 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
You can add a row to a table by hitting tab at the end of the row. Awesome! Now can we delete a row by hitting backspace at the start of an empty row. I may have hit tab and added the row by accident. I may want to easily remove it.
Nathaniel Collum
almost 3 years ago
Future consideration
When I bring in stakeholders to help with the scoring, it would be nice to have the description of the specific metric in the score show the score dialog. Having it there helps to make sure you are thinking about the metric appropriately and clari...
almost 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists