Ability to see to-do's via the workflow view, under the feature (and thus the status of the feature)
provides another simple, pre-built view to see to-do's that are rolled up to features which are separated by their status, and filtered by individuals/channels
The way we are structuring our use of Aha! is to have individual contributors focus...
about 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
As a user, it can be confusing if I have multiple mock-ups on a field with only a date as the title. I end up clicking into the wrong one many times. I'd like to be able to Name my mock-up files.
about 5 years ago
in Mockups
Already exists
When one of the feature is dependent on another feature, it will be great have a check on the status of each of the features so that the Dependent Feature should not be moved in "Commit" state before its corresponding dependencies are satisfied.
It is possible to configure every single email related to the Ideas (public) portal, except for the one customers get when they first sign up to the portal (so not via an invite, just through submitting an idea). We need to be able to customise th...
Steph Reddington
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
As a PM you can build your ideas portals to capture ideas based on categories; but what is severely lacking as far as i can tell is the ability to 'make sense of the data'; i.e. a drilldown into ideas in these categories - or for the system to ale...
Andrew Pearson
about 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Allow top nav to be named after Master Feature instead of Feature
A lot of our customers are getting confused as the top nav is named after what we've called our features instead of what we've called our master features. If there was an option to instead show 'Master Feature' on the top nav, or in our case this ...
Visual cue to identify if changes are automatically saved or not
While building out our environment, I have lost work because I didn't realize I had to save. On the Add a Scorecard, there is a visual at the top letting me know it is automatically saved. It would be great have this indicator on all setup screens...
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Diagram View hierarchy to show Top down how company goals link to product Line & product goals/initiatives
The diagram view does not provide a view of how for Example of the goals cascade down from company level to product line - product goals and the specific initiatives that will be delivering to those. You can see the company goals listed at the sam...
Samit Patel
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement