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Customizable/personalized keyboard shortcuts

I would find more and/or customizable shortcuts beneficial. My work definitely. Also, if I am setting up lines/workspaces/templates, being able to set hot keys so that I can get back to where I need to go quickly would speed implementations.
kristin gerhard steiner over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Ability to hide workspace template images and "New Templates" on the workspaces setup screen

The workspaces module is tedious. For accounts with a lot of lines and workspaces, real estate on that page is precious. The images to create a new workspace are deceiving because there is no option to make it a line. So, if you are in a rush and ...
kristin gerhard steiner over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Sync with Jira include ability to link back to Aha Item

When configuring sync between Aha and Jira, it should include the ability to have a URL back to the associated Aha idea inserted in Jira field. This would allow Product and Engineering a better way to trace stories back to the original Features, O...
Joe Watson almost 5 years ago in Jira 2 Future consideration

Allow resizing of the Release Phase Column & Reorder Release Phases on Release Details Page

1. Allow resizing Release Phase Column on the Release Details Page Quite frequently our Release Phase names are longer than the default width of the Release Phase column on the Release Details Page. E.g. "Planning Sprint 0 (TFS-0)" does not fit o...
Alex B almost 5 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Attach screenshots in the chat

This is helpful because the Aha! expert can really provide meaningful and quicker assistance via chat at that point of service rather than have the client look back at the chat email and send a screenshot that may or may not be what the Aha! team ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Shorten the Jira URL in cards layout

Make Jira urls clickeable and short in features->board card layouts
Guest over 2 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Ability to collapse epics, initiatives and master features

Ability to collapse all the line items in each group so you can scroll through the pop up boxes with ease.
Fatimah Gorin almost 5 years ago in  3 Future consideration

API Endpoint to pull specific custom fields

Would be useful for us to have a GET API endpoint where we can pass it specific custom fields we want instead of pulling back all custom fields.
Guest over 2 years ago in API 0 Future consideration

Default JIRA Imports to Parking Lot, when there is no Fixed Version/Release

Regarding importing features into Aha! that are not part of a fixed version in Jira....Today, When you import these features, they will land in the left most active release. If there is not an active release, they will land in the left most parkin...
Josh Tambor almost 5 years ago in Jira 0 Already exists

Ability to Edit Dependency Types

Ability to edit Dependency types within the link. Currently, user needs to delete dependency and create new one. For example, as a user, if I label a dependency "Depends on" and the dependency type should be "relates to", I should be able to chang...
Josh Tambor almost 5 years ago in Dependencies / Features 0 Future consideration