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Rapid fire entries for features just like TODOs

It would be great if we had a way to enter stories quicker, like we have for TODO (enter key will create new todo) After all, AHA! Ui is slick. This makes it faster.
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Autocascade release dates

As a Product Manager, I want to be able to add a standard release cadence and if one of my releases gets delayed, the rest of the releases get pushed back as well. For instance, if we have standard 8-week release schedules and one gets delayed by ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Exam Format

Not being able to easily go backwards and forwards in the exam for the certification program is frustrating. Being able to re-review my work would have been better.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Training 0 Future consideration

on the features roadmap - allow for custom external date

I would like to use a Current, Next and Future to produce external roadmaps. It would be so nice to use this report but I cannot as it is today.
Maryanne Miller almost 2 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Automatically assign requirements to linked feature’s PI

When a feature is assigned to a PI, creating new requirements should default to the feature’s PI, as SAFe teams typically deliver all stories linked to a feature in the same PI. Without this you need to manually link the requirements which results...
Madeleine Black almost 2 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Allow Jira-related fields to be included in automation rules

It would be helpful for fields like the Jira key or integration link to be available in automation rules. That would enable my team to create triggers that look at when an integration link is changed or is no longer available.
Katrina Purcell almost 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Allow for null Release Date

Currently the release date field is required. But usually when a release is first written up there is no realistic idea for when it might be delivered. For releases that are postponed or of lower priority, the initial entered dates which seemed so...
Brendan G almost 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Premium License: JIRA Integration allow Assignee integration

We have one premium license and the issue is that the feature assignee cannot be set as a dev when it goes to JIRA as Assignee only users that have no license cannot be set up in Aha. I want to be able to at least set up (or have JIRA send back an...
Paul Mundy almost 8 years ago in Account settings 2 Will not implement

Rename Aha! roles

Hi there, is it possible to configure the names of roles in Aha! Calling the system admin role "Product Owner" is a really issue for us internally - we have product owners by they're relatively junior... Myself (senior product manager) and my boss...
Suzanne Vaughan over 9 years ago in  1 Will not implement

Show Initiative time frame in Feature selection

When picking an Initiative on Feature, the time frame set for the product's initiative is not shown next to the initiative in the select list. This become difficult to know you are selecting the correct initiative on the feature if initiatives are...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement