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Responsive Reports in Decks and Dashboards

When a report is put into a dashboard or deck, it should intelligently expand and contract to nicely fit the allotted space like any normal responsive web element. Right now, there is no way to make embedded reports look good for two people not on...
Haddon Fisher almost 4 years ago in Presentations / Reports 0 Future consideration

Import Users on Account Setting Page

When onboading additional team members on to Aha, it is really a pain in the butt to creat 30 accounts by hand. Put a import users option that allows me upload a excel spreadsheet and create those users with the permissions I set for the batch imp...
Frank S almost 2 years ago in Account settings 1 Already exists

Show product name on calendar card

Loving the calendar reports but one key thing is missing! We'd like to put the product name on the feature card and don't see the option to do so in the settings. We try to keep our product prefixes short, and now, that seems to be our only option...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Unlikely to implement

Add feature areas to organize product features

As a product manager I need feature areas so that I can manage and balance a large set of features more easily. It is difficult to gain overview and manage a large number of features without the concept of feature area. It is not enough to have th...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Calculate Epic Completion Based on JIRA Epic Completion

The options to calculate the completion of an epic in Aha is only based on user stories, but there are other items in JIRA that determine how complete an epic is. It would be helpful to have the progress bar completion automatically reflect whatev...
Rachelle S almost 2 years ago in Jira 0 Already exists

Filters - "Is Not" Option

Hi Aha! Team, Having a filter that ommits certain options would help with reporting.
Jonathan Beggs almost 2 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Add a full cycle product management in the process, including product design.

The cycle is great, but one key element is missing - it's the Product Design phase. I have to put it in "features" or "requirements", but design doesn't work like that. I'm unable to see/ demonstrate the work done by the design team, as there is n...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Application 3 Already exists

Delivery risks: allow me to choose any date field (standard or custom) to use for the delivery risk check

Delivery risks are calculated against the due date of epics and features. Requirements don't have due dates, so this risk check is not present. I see two use cases here: If I have custom date field on a requirement, it would be great to be able to...
Dale Potter almost 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Custom Record Type, Made Up Entirely Of Custom Fields

We have some customer systems that we need to sync data back from. These are generally tasks that are created in systems we integrate with (specifically Azure Dev Ops, with the Task record). We are an outsourced product management company, so we h...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Manage external users to view presentations

We are looking to share a roadmap with external stakeholders from Aha. However, we want to control which external users can access in the case if an employee leaves on of our clients, we do not want them to retain access of our roadmap. Today, the...
Blake Falanga almost 2 years ago in Presentations 1 Already exists