Alphabetize Master Features in MF dropdown list in Feature details
When you go to select a master feature from the dropdown in the feature details, the master feature list is in some order that is not alphabetical, nor is it "most recently created" or any other logical order - it seems random. Please sort this li...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
It would be great if we had a way to enter stories quicker, like we have for TODO (enter key will create new todo)
After all, AHA! Ui is slick. This makes it faster.
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Make the CSV Import Smarter by allowing columns headers to be the custom field key
Currently the CSV import function only takes custom field names and when entering the custom field key it doesn't seem to recognize the field. This is prone to error since we have many fields with the same name, but they may have different field t...
Karla Johnson
almost 2 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Add alt text to secondary items in whiteboard menu
The secondary items in whiteboard menu would benefit from alt text to explain what each item does. With the "pen" tool for example, the icons do not clearly show what these options will do.
Molly Jane Quinn
almost 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
You can add bullets or numbered list within a text box in a whiteboard. It would be nice to have checkboxes as well so that you can make quick to-do style lists as part of brainstorming or working on a new concept.
Molly Jane Quinn
almost 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Please review a possibility to add Russian language support. Accordingly to the Wikipedia, it is one of the World language and it is in top 10 of languages in the following categories: Internet users by language Content languages for websites List...
almost 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
We would like Development Leads to be able to update status on features & requirements once they have left the planning phase. Ideally, the Dev Lead could update status & add comments once the feature/req gets into the "In Development" phase.
Matt Lavallee
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
We have one premium license and the issue is that the feature assignee cannot be set as a dev when it goes to JIRA as Assignee only users that have no license cannot be set up in Aha. I want to be able to at least set up (or have JIRA send back an...
Paul Mundy
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
We currently sync a field in Aha! to Jira when a record is created. We’d like to clear that field if the record is deleted from Aha! I’m looking to send an update to the field or set an event trigger to make a note that the field value has changed.
Yancey Larochelle-Williams
almost 4 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration